Medical Advice

  1. Does Endometrix provide medical advice?

    No. We merely help you prepare for medical consultation by creating a space for you to have your own health observations in one place and by visualizing your symptoms. For medical advice, please reach out to your preferred licensed healthcare provider.

  2. Is Endometrix a form of telehealth? Does using Endometrix put me in contact with a medical professional?

    No, not at this time. However, we are happy to help you get in touch with the right people to find suitable medical professionals.

  3. Does Endometrix tell me how to manage my pain?

    No. We provide you with insights into what is and is not working for you. 

  4. Does Endometrix provide supplemental pain management material?

    No, not at this time.

  5. Does the Endometrix app diagnose endometriosis and other gynecological disorders? 

    No. We aim to help people establish a deeper understanding of their condition and to be able to communicate it effectively with healthcare providers. However, we are not a diagnosis tool. Currently, the only way to receive a diagnosis for endometriosis is through laparoscopic surgery.